S.No. MAY - JUNE Page No. Downloads
1. The Impact of Health Care Expenditure on Households Living Standard in Ekiti State

P.A. Adeyemi (Ph.D) and Oni Joseph Olugbenga (M.Sc), A.O. Oloruntuyi (Ph.D)

Department of Economics, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, and Department of Economics, Federal University of Technology, Akure.

ABSTRACT:Payment for health care is said to be calamitous when it exceeds a defined level of household income(10% by WHO) and this leads the households to sacrifice goods and services, consumption of other goods, and services that are essential for their well- being.. Therefore, this study examined the impact of health care spending on household’s living standard in Ekiti while the specific objectives is to determine how the percentage of household income spent on healthcare substantially affects the living standard of Ekiti people. The study made use of qualitative methods of descriptive analysis and Logit regression analysis to explore the stated objectives of this study. The findings of the study showed that the source of treating illness is basically through primary health care facilities and it is mainly by households’ out of pocket expenses. The study also revealed that the most prevalent illness is malaria which is above 90%. The surprising result of this study is that the large proportion of the respondents has no much health problem, food problem, and school fee problem despite the fact that the households’ expenses is out- pocket. Judging from the findings, the study, therefore, concluded that the health care expenditure in Ekiti is fundamentally households’ out of pocket expenses and that standard of living in Ekiti is not so bad owing to the finding that there is no obvious health, food and school fee challenges. In line with the foregoing findings, the study recommended that the government should establish National Health Insurance Scheme for all the persons both in an urban and rural areas of Ekiti state in order to greatly enhance the living standard of people of Ekiti. More so, the government of Ekiti must educate her people very well on how to control and prevent malaria which is the most prevalent disease that is affecting the people of Ekiti.

Keyword: Healthcare Expenditure, Household’s Standard of living, Malaria, and Logit Regression Analysis.

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MUSA, Abdulmalik

Department of Business Administration Nile University of Nigeria

ABSTRACT:The study assessed the determinant of Pension Reform Act (PRA) of 2014 in Nigeria with a particular reference to organizations in Abuja, FCT. The study adopted a survey research design. The population of the study is uncertain and the researcher used infinite population with infinite sample size of 246. The method of data collection used by this study was a questionnaire that was administered to the respondents. The statistical tool used is regression. The findings revealed that contributors’ decision making has a positive and significant effect on pension reform act of 2014 in Abuja FCT while Retirees’ Standard of Living has a negative and significant effect on pension fund reform act of 2014 in Abuja FCT. The study recommended that the new pension reform act of 2014 should continue to be in practice for employees and employers of labour since the employees are making good decision to use the scheme to prevent future financial crises upon retirement. The new pension reform act of 2014 should be implemented with more emphases on retirees’ standard of living even though it has seen no much plan for retirees’ standard of living for now

Keyword: Pension Reform Act, Contributors Decision Making and Retirees’ Standard of Living

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5/7 Arpenteur Street Sainte Croix Port Louis

ABSTRACT:This article aims to use George Orwell’s opinion of the Russian Revolution in Animal Farm to guide block chain evolution. After defining the word revolution, We make an analogy between Old Major’s dream, which is the source of the animal revolution and the Mandukya Upanishad against Satoshi Nakamoto’s “Bit coin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” which is the source of block chain revolution to demonstrate that block chain revolution is a natural evolution which will lead to a restructuration of both society and government. However, following the threats and attacks identified in live testing at the business level, block chain evolution can also open the door to a technological coup d’état and create social unrest for undefined period governance and economic activity are not clearly separated from each other. A Block chain User Bill of Rights is of the essence to develop literature on this new area but to render implementation of block chain optimally efficient, we invite future research in law, ethics, and philosophy.

Keyword:Block chain, Revolution, Animal Farm, Mandukya Upanishad, Bill of Rights

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Menul Teguh Riyanti, Indralaksmi, Adinda Geraldine

Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Universitas Trisakti

ABSTRACT:Sukuh Temple is a very unique temple and different from the existing temples, as a historical heritage place. Sukuh Temple has many problems as a tourist destination place that has to be resolved. Some of the problems are the lack of infrastructure, site authenticity, and damages, the lack of tourist attractions displayed, the lack of promotion in social media, human resources problems, and the lack of management synergy between the management and the Karanganyar district government. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze strengths and weaknesses as internal factors and threats and opportunities as external factors of the object. The research also aims to explain the direction of the synergy of the development of tourism objects as art and cultural tourism zone in Central Java while maintaining the importance of an area. This study uses naturalistic qualitative methods. The data used is mostly interviewed different of the local government, managers, tourists, and also the surrounding community. The results of these interviews will be analyzed by SWOT analysis to determine the direction of the development of the tourism object synergy for the continuity of cultural tourism in Karanganyar district. The results of this study are the Sukuh Temple’s weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, and threats as internal and external factors. Through the analysis, the existing tourist attractions can be explained from the analysis of tourism products, marketing, and institutional development. From the results of the SWOT analysis, the conclusion is the basic principles of developing tourist destinations, in each of the supporting zones of the core zone.

Keyword: Sukuh Temple, Indonesian arts and cultural tourism, synergy

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Zeddy-Chepkemoi* and Stephen Tomno Cheboi**

School of Education, Department of Social Sciences, Mount Kenya University, Kenya and Lecturer: Department of Educational Administration; Mount Kenya University, Kenya

ABSTRACT:Education is a critical component for sustainable development of any country. In Kenya, secondary school education has expanded rapidly in the past and there have been challenges that lead to high learners’ dropout rates. This study sought to investigate the extent to which provision of physical facilities influence the internal efficiency of day secondary schools in Bureti Sub-County. The specific objective of the study was to; determine the effect of provision of physical facilities on the internal efficiency of day secondary schools in Bureti Sub-County. The study adopted Classical Liberal Theory of equal opportunity by Bannister and used descriptive survey research design.From 28 day secondary schools in Bureti Sub-County, 3 schools, being 10% of the entire population, were used during pilot study and thus the target population comprised25 principals, 25 deputy principals and 249 teachers. A total sample of 194 respondents were drawn using purposive sampling technique for 24 principals and 24 deputy principals while 146 teachers were drawn using simple random techniques. Data collection was done using questionnaires on teachers and interview schedules on principals and deputy head teachers. The tools were adequately validated using expert judgment and piloted to establish the reliability where Cronbach coefficient alpha was determined and found a reliable index of 0.70. Quantitative data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 to find the means, percentages and standards deviations and presented on tables, charts and graphs while qualitative data were analyzed thematically. The study found out that science laboratories have required resources in their schools. Most of the schools did suffer congestion in classrooms since majority of the respondents disagreed that there is no congestion in class due to enough classrooms. The study recommended that new classes should be built to reduce congestion in schools. It was noticed that most classes used by day schools in Bureti Sub-County were formerly being used by the primary schools and therefore needs to be expanded to reduce the congestion in class.

Keyword: Pass-rates, Repeater rate, Teacher-Pupil ratio, Internal Efficiency

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6. An empirical investigation of Internet usage, Electricity consumption and Economic growth nexus in Bangladesh: A Granger causality approach

SubrotoDey[1] & Homamul Islam[2] shakil mahmood saon[3]

1Lecturer, Department of Economics, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail, Bangladesh. 2Student, Department of Economics, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail, Bangladesh. 3 Lecturer, Department of Economics, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail, Bangladesh

ABSTRACT:The influence of internet facilities and electric power supply on economic growth is significant today. Several studies have been tested the causal relationship between internet usage, electricity consumption, and economic growth. Most of these studies carried on panel data analysis to show there causal relationship, i.e. Australia, China, India, South Africa. All of this has provided mixed results. This study, on the other hand, investigated the relationship between internet usages, electricity consumption and economic growth in Bangladesh. In order to investigate, we have used annual time series data of Bangladesh for the period of 1994- 2018. To diagnosis time-series property of the data, the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) model for the unit root has been employed. Short-run and long-run dynamics and joint causality have been demonstrated by using a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) and Granger causality test. Johansen co-integration test suggests cointegrated variables exist among variables. Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) revealed that there exist significant long-run and short-run relationships among variables and Granger causality test showed there was bidirectional causality among internet usage and electricity consumption to gross domestic product (GDP). This study also considered foreign direct investment and export earning as two control variables. This finding reveals the importance of power supply and internet usage for economic growth in Bangladesh.

Keyword: GDP, Internet use, Electricity consumption, FDI, Export, ADF test, Johansen co-integration, VECM, Granger causality

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Mutai Kibet Geoffrey

A research project submitted to fulfill the partial requirement for award of degreeof master of education management of Mount Kenya University

ABSTRACT:The researcher sought to find out the degree to which strategies of conflict resolution used by the school administration, influence learners’ academic performance in KCSE in Narok County, Kenya. The purpose of the study was to explore the influence of strategies of conflict resolution used by school administration on learners’ academic performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in public secondary schools in Narok County, Kenya. This study will be significant to principals in NarokCounty and the county at large as it will make them to know the appropriate conflict management styles which they need in managing conflicts in their schools. The study objectives include: finding out the influence of avoiding, accommodating, competing, collaborating, and compromising conflict resolution strategies on the academic performance of learners in KCSE in Narok County, Kenya. The study will be anchored on two theories: the group conflict theory and the General Systems theory. The research methodology used by the researcher was a mixed method. The research design used was descriptive survey since this method is reliable and accurate. Data were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis. The target population was 96 principals and 1056 teachers. A sample of 80 public secondary schools’ principals and 192 teachers were involved. Data was collected using a questionnaire and interview. The teachers and school principals were requested to present the required information by filling the questionnaires after brief interviews. Pie charts, frequency distribution tables and percentages were used to represent quantitative data. A pilot study was conducted in 4 public secondary schools in Narok County, Kenya. The researcher used questionnaires and interviews to gather information from the respondents. Test and re-test method and Karl Pearson's correlation coefficient were used by the researcher to find out the consistency of the questionnaires. The validity of the questionnaire was verified using a team of professionals that studied the questionnaire. They then rated it and gave their approvals. The researcher observed the ethics of research on secrecy, informed authority, and storage of data. This study found out that principals in Narokcounty use all the five conflict management styles. A high percentage of teachers and principals agreed that there is the use of a competing style as a method of conflict management in their schools. Most of those schools whose principals relied a lot on competing, compromising, and accommodating strategies in managing their school conflicts had a mean score of between 1 and 3.5. The majority of Schools whose principals used avoiding had a mean score of between 1 and 3.5. The researcher concluded that the findings were dependable. The researcher recommended that Principals in Narok County should not use avoiding strategy to resolve conflicts since those who did not avoid conflicts scored highly. Based on the findings of this study, the researcher recommends the following that Principals in Narok County should not use avoiding strategy to resolve conflicts but instead apply collaboration and accommodating as a method of settling conflicts in their schools so as to improve academic performance. Competing strategy and compromising strategies as ways of settling disputes can lead to poor results and so principals in Narok County should not depend so much on this conflict management style.

Keyword:influence, conflict resolution strategies, performance, accommodating Avoiding, collaborating, competing, compromising

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8. The Collapsology & the destructive roles of militaries dictatures states The cases of Syrian & Arabic spring countries

Mohammed Meri

Strasbourg University- Laboratoire Sage- France

ABSTRACT:For decades in the countries of dictatorship, catastrophism is renewed centered on the concept of total collapse, gaining ground among the practices devoted to political and socio-economic reality. Reality shows that there are people who do not change, and there are leaders - countries of Arab dictatorships - embody the status quo in their countries to perpetuate their dominions and their profits from the eternity of their authorities. At the same time, scientists and great thinkers are always changing their era to move into a new human era and sustainable development. But the passage to a higher scale of humanity is difficult to measure at the geopolitical stage. Some scientists speak, in learned terms, of a new era in contemporary time and human rights, others are regarded as thinkers or scholars serving the leaders of dictatorial countries to destroy everything. It is a permanent paradox, over time, between developer leaders vs destructive leaders. All sectors are bound to be affected if collapsology was to take place, it will destabilize governments and totally shatter the socio-economical life. Poverty, theft and insecurity will increase, and everything will start falling apart. If collapsology was imposed by leaders, it will bring the whole world to its knees, destroying the socio-economic world and bringing the demise of many people who will be caught in the crossfire. Arab military dictatorships in countries that have been in constant wars for decades are the best examples. The paper cattle this problem by the collapsology and its approach and proposes a practical model as solutions.

Keyword: Collapsology, military dictatorships, Arab states.

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Dyan T. Gapulan, PhD

Assistant Professor at the Carlos Hilado Memorial State College (CHMSC) in the Philippines

ABSTRACT:The rise in the cases of adolescent pregnancy in the local state college prompted the study of this phenomenon. Records revealed that 50% of the time, the partners of the pregnant adolescents was also adolescents themselves. The qualitative research design, specifically the phenomenological approach, was used for this research. No probability sampling method was used to identify adolescent fathers who were enrolled in the AY 2016-2017, and who have become fathers by the time they were in college. Starting from the referrals of the guidance counselor, snowball sampling ensued to identify the eight participants. Their demographical characteristics were gathered. The researcher also discovered the circumstances in the lives of the adolescent fathers which, in their own perspective, were also the reasons why they have become fathers early. From their responses, two main themes were generated: Nature vs. Nurture. Nature includes the reasons which are innate in man; this includes their aggressive sexual impulses. Nurture is the reasons which involve the environmental influences, such as: family dynamics, peer pressure, technology, alcohol Intoxication, being deemed needed and opportunity. The results of this study will serve as a baseline data and will be utilized in designing a preventive intervention program for adolescent fatherhood.

Keyword: adolescent, adolescent fatherhood, phenomenology, Psychology

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Adamawa State Polytechnic, Yola College of Continuing Education Department of Business Management Education, MODIBO ADAMA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, YOLA ADAMAWA STATE, NIGERIA, Adamawa State Polytechnic, Yola College of Continuing Education Department of Business Management Education,

ABSTRACT:Youth are often seen as a mechanism for societal change and economic development and as such, empowering them may be of great benefit to the society and the country at large. Experts have widely acknowledged the substantial Contribution of small scale businesses to the development of Nigeria, of which youth participation constitutes a larger chunk of the entrepreneurial development of the nation. Therefore the need to support them to grow is very vital. It is not an exaggeration to say that the most important target which every society in the contemporary world has set for itself, is to empower its youth to be able to afford the basic necessity of life like food, clothes, and shelter as well as being part of the decision making process in homes and community. The main objective of this study is to examine the impacts of microfinance services on youth entrepreneurial development in Yola North, Adamawa state. A sample of 246 youth entrepreneurs was selected using simple random techniques in Yola North,; primary quantitative data was collected by the use of the structural questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics, simple regression analysis, and a person’s correlation analysis. The empirical results show that training in micro-entrepreneurship has the highest contribution to youth entrepreneurial development with a beta coefficient of 0.762, follow by western education with a beta coefficient of 0.750, the least contributor is microcredit with a beta coefficient of 0.728. Based on the research findings, the study concludes that there exists a significant and linear relationship between microfinance services and youth entrepreneurial development that youth entrepreneurs who participated in microfinance experience growth in incomes, increase in their savings, and are able to repay their loans successfully. Therefore, more training in entrepreneurship should be organized for the youths; they should be trained in financial literacy so that they can manage their loans successfully. The government should come up with policies that will ginger the youth into entrepreneurship and reduced over-dependency on Government jobs.


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11. Production Management Procedures and the Growth of Jua Kali enterprises in Kenya

David M. Kahando1 and Tirus Muya Maina2

Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship School of Business and Management Studies, The Technical University of Kenya, Kenya and Department of Computer Science School of Computing and Information Technology, Murang’ a University of Technology, Murang’ a Kenya

ABSTRACT:The Micro and Small Enterprises play an important role in the economic development of most countries globally despite their level of development. The sector act as vehicle for low-income people to escape poverty through market-driven productive activities for growth of the economy. Consequently, their role and consequence of economic development have become a major research area in developing countries like Kenya. Studies have been conducted highlighting the limitations on the growth of micro-enterprises with a view to bringing to the solutions without success. Most enterprises' growth stagnates and eventually flop after some time due to lack of management abilities by most entrepreneurs/ managers. As a result, there was a need to review the production management procedures that affect the growth of Jua Kali enterprises. The objective of this study was to Evaluate the Production Management Procedureson the Growth ofJua Kali Enterprises in Kenya. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design. The target population was 210 entrepreneurs/ managers of microenterprises registered under Jua Kali association. The primary data was collected using a structured questionnaire. The data was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics with the help of the SPSS 20. Linear regression analysis was employed to determine the degree of relationship between the Production Management Procedures and enterprise growth. The result showed that Production Management Procedures had a strong positive relationship on the growth of Jua Kali enterprises with a Pearson correlations coefficient (r) of 0.656 at 95 percent significance level (p=0.007). The study concluded that Production Management Procedures has influences on the growth of microenterprise, hence the need for entrepreneurs/ managers to embrace appropriate management practices to grow businesses that spur the economy of the country.

Keyword: Employment Creation, Production Management Procedures, Jua Kali Enterprises Growth

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12. The Economics of Deforestation in Ondo State

Chris Ofonyelu and Akinlolu Olojede

Department of Economics Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT:Deforestation is at the center of modern urbanization. This is because the growth of new houses and space for expansion of extant infrastructures requires that a large number of trees are displaced or consumed by the processes of urbanization. Despite this knowledge, studies have considered urbanization more from the standpoint of economic developments with little reference to the opportunity costs. Similarly, the theories of urbanization have been quiet with it costing. This study is interested in relating the number of forest woods felled to the growth in the number of urban houses. Data for the study was obtained from in-depth interviews and observations of records with the forest guards, wood loaders, and log drivers across the Akoko regions of Ondo state. This study is an attempt at valuing the cost of the growth of new towns in terms of the depletion and displacement of the forest resources. Being the richest state in forest resources in southwestern Nigeria, this study provides important insights to policymakers and relevant authorities in quantifying the rate of forest depletion.

Keyword: Urbanization, deforestation, Ondo state, forest resources

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Prof. Benedict David, KCR, Ph.D, DHC – D.Hum, CA and Engr. AquilinoTubigan,Jr. and Engr. Robert Rey Gambe

Inventors’ School of the Philippines

ABSTRACT:The Novel Corona Virus, or more commonly known as Covid-19, has already devastated the global economy, needless to mention the loss of human life. Unlike the previous “once in a century” pandemics (i.e. The most recent was the Spanish Flu), this epidemic might have a drastic and longer-term effect since it has plunged every aspect of the worldwide Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Ecological (PESTLE) with less than a quarter of a year. Although mankind will surely recover and will not go silent through the night, nonetheless, it may take years or even decades towards a complete recovery. Businesses who are classified as Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) are the ones that significantly suffer since they have lesser capital buffers. Only those who are in the groceries and medicine / medical supplies will thrive. The rest have the potential to ultimately crumble. This prompted the researcher to solicit the ideas of selected local Filipino top-tier entrepreneurs and economists. Their insights and proposed interventions will definitely provide the thrust and direction as to how the Philippines can recover as fast as possible from the effects of this pandemic.

Keyword: Strategy, Economic Outlook, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)

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14. Impact of Inventory Management Practices on the Performance of Small Scale Enterprises in Gwarimpa District, Abuja Nigeria

1Jessica Ezeocha, 2Cross Ogohi Daniel

Department of Business Administration Nile University of Nigeria, Abuja

ABSTRACT:This study examines the impact of inventory management practices on the performance of SSEs in Gwarimpa District, Abuja Nigeria. The paper adopted a singular source of data collection. The data was examined using the content analysis approach. This is because of its major dependence on the secondary source data. Results reveal that inventory management practices have a positive and significant impact on the performance of SSEs. Furthermore, results also reveal that delay in delivery of materials, use of manual inventory management system/lack of technology, lack of professional personnel, holding too much/too little inventory, purchase of materials with a near expiration date, insufficient funds for procurement and use of outdated storage facilities are the major factors affecting effective inventory management practices in SMEs Gwarimpa District, Abuja, Nigeria. Subsequently, the study recommends that SMEs operators/ managers should be encouraged to adopt information technology in inventory management. Also, SMEs operators and managers should be encouraged to constantly attend conferences, seminars and workshops in Nigeria and abroad in order to improve their skills in inventory management.

Keyword: inventory management, Small Scale enterprises, performance, and managemen

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15. Effect of Strategic Analysis and Implementation on Service Quality of Airtel Telecommunication Company, Nigeria

1Jennifer Chineze Nwagbogu and 2Dr. Cross Ogohi Daniel

Department of Business administration Nile University of Nigeria, Abuja and Department of Business Administration Nile University of Nigeria, Abuja

ABSTRACT:this research work is to examine the Effect of Strategic Analysis and Implementation on Service Quality of Airtel Telecommunication Company, Nigeria. The Nigerian Telecommunications have for the past years embarked on strategies that improve the quality of its services thereby remaining competitive in the market. The following objectives will guide the research; to examine the relationship between strategy analyses on the quality of services rendered by Airtel Telecommunication Company and to examine the relationship between strategic analysis and strategy implementation and quality of services rendered by the telecommunication sector. The study adopted a survey research design. The design enabled the researchers to collect relevant data through the use of structured questionnaire for the purpose of analysis in order to achieve the objectives of the study. The study has revealed that strategic analysis had a positive significant relationship with service delivery in Nigeria telecommunication sector also that strategy implementation had a positive significant relationship with service quality in the Nigerian telecommunication sector

Keyword:strategic analysis, service quality, Telecommunication Company

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16. A Study on Aggression and Social Adjustment among Mizo Adolescents

Saihlupuii Sailo

Assistant Professor, Hrangbana College, Mizoram India

ABSTRACT:The study examined the relationship and comparison of gender difference among Mizo adolescents, the age groups of 16-21 were selected by using the psychological scales of Aggression and Social Adjustment (100 students, N =100, 50 males and 50 females). Results showed that the Age difference emerged to be positively related to dependent measures and predicted the adjustment problems in the targeted population.

Keyword: 1Adolescents, 2.Aggression, 3.Social Adjustment.

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17. Practicing School Based Management for School Improvement (Evidence from Indonesian)

Sitti Roskina Mas and Ikhfan Haris

Faculty of Education, Universities Nigeria Gorontalo, Indonesia

ABSTRACT:Education is a joint responsibility of the government, parents, and the community. The goal is to improve the quality of learning for all students. In Indonesia, at the school level, education autonomy is implemented through the School-Based Management program. Schools and their communities have the authority in decision making related to educational management in their school. School-Based Management has a strong emphasis on local decision making to ensure effective and continuous school improvement. School-Based Management is not an end in itself unless it can help foster an improved school culture, higher-quality decisions directed to the improvement and above all, improvements in children’s learning The purpose of this paper is to review the School-Based Management (SBM) as a key component of the school improvement process in the context of Indonesia. The first part of the paper attempt to explicate the basic concept and the principles of SBM, Subsequently, the role of the principal in successful SBM will be explained. The paper will also discuss the changing of management in school. Furthermore, resources management and school leadership will be examined in more detail. Finally, the challenges encountered in implementing SBM in the context of education decentralization in Indonesia in Indonesia will be highlighted.

Keyword: school, management, leadership, improvement, community, education.

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Dr. Ben Oseno* and Prof. John Obiri

MasindeMuliro University of Science and Technology School of Business and Economics Department of Accounting and Finance Box 190-50100 Kakamega – Kenya. and MasindeMuliro University of Science and Technology Faculty of Disaster Management & Humanitarian Assistance Department of Sustainable Development P.O. Box 190-50100, Kakamega – Kenya.

ABSTRACT:Disaster risk financing model is a framework aimed at harnessing financial resources to be invested in disaster risk management. These frameworks are domesticated according to the unique nature of the countries of concern in terms of governance structures, relevant Acts of legislation among others. Generally, disaster risk financing comes into two categories namely; pre-disaster and post-disaster risk financing. While pre-disaster risk financing instruments are applied before a disaster occurs, post-disaster risk financing instruments are obtained after a disaster for relief and recoveries. The Kenyan specific proposed disaster risk financing model is inclined to the pre-disaster risk financing instruments because it is meant to be proactive in its mobilization structure to strengthen institutions and enhance resilience in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from disaster impact. The proposed model is a paradigm shift from the emergency aid-business model which is unsustainable, reactionary, and unreliable as well as being media coverage dependent. This model encapsulates four tiers with the first tier being the individual person and organizational units. The second tier is made up of Ward and Sub-county units as the third tier ropes in the county governments and national government. Remember these two tiers form the structure of governance in Kenya as the 2010 Kenyan constitution outlines. The last tier is called the extra tier which is made up of the international organizations following their history of supporting countries in an event of disasters. Such bodies include the World Health Organisation (WHO), African Development Bank (AfDB), the World Bank (WB), and International Monetary Fund (IMF) among others. This holistic disaster risk financing model will be managed by an independent legislatively established disaster body called the Disaster Risk Management Authority of Kenya (DRMAK)

Keyword: Disaster Risk Financing

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Ola Olusegun OYEDELE, PhD1 • Idris Olayiwola GANIYU, PhD2 • John Olawale WILLOUGHBY, PhD3 • Ibrahim Olakunle ABDULGANIYU, Mr4

1,2,3,4 - Room1-118, M-Block, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.

ABSTRACT:Federal government employment initiatives have become tools of creating employment and reducing the rate of poverty amongst youths in today's generation. This study investigates the impact of federal government employment initiatives on poverty reduction in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. The survey method was adopted. The quantitative research design was employed. Marcos’s (2019) Calculator and Raosoft (2019) calculator was used to determining the sample size. A sample of 120 respondents was identified from a population of 172 small and medium businesses within the study areas and 96.7% response rate was recorded. The primary method of data collection was used. A well-structured questionnaire was administered and responses were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation on SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version 20. The survey demonstrates that micro-credit scheme has significant impact on standard of living (P=0.000 < 0.05; r = 0.685) and also empowerment initiatives has significant influences on job creations (P = 0.000 < 0.05; r = 0.659). Based on the results of findings, the study recommends that Government should increase the provision of sufficient microcredit/loan with very low loan interest rate; Government must ensure that its social investment programs, particularly the tradermoni is not politicized; Government should provide interest-free loans to interested volunteers to start up their small or medium scale enterprises.

Keyword: Federal Government, Employment Initiatives, Poverty Reduction, and Abeokuta Metropolis

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Susan Doofan Albert-Makyur (PhD Candidate), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chigozie Enwere,

Department of Political Science & International Relations and Diplomacy, Nile University of Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT:Climate change is the average rise in surface temperature on earth due to the use of fossil fuels by humanity. Since the ascendance of the Trump’s Presidency in 2016, the United States has conspicuously withdrawn from climate change agreements, as it is evident with the Paris Accord. Trump’s rejection that the emissions of carbon dioxide are effects of human activities is worrisome. Indeed, this has attracted global criticisms and nations are in search for alternative ways to curtail the unprecedented dangers climate change hurls on its citizens. In this paper, the strategy of Trump’s policy on climate change agreement will be examined, focusing on the consequences of his withdrawal and its effects on sustainable development in Nigeria. Exploring the realist approach that states are main actors in the international arena, struggle for power and act in pursuit of their national interests, Trump’s policy exhibits the primacy of state sovereignty on the issue of climate change agreement. Thus, the withdrawal from the agreement is a re-establishment of the sovereignty of America. Using secondary sources such as journals, books, and the internet, the potential measures to counter the withdrawal and the implication on Nigeria are analyzed as well as a study on the next action for both countries on the climate change, arguing that, the immediate benefits of Trump’s policy would come with future damages, and Nigeria must create strong governance policy and collaborate with regional neighbors.

Keyword: Federal Government, Employment Initiatives, Poverty Reduction, and Abeokuta Metropolis

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21. THE IMPACT OF CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19) ON THE NIGERIA POLITICAL ECONOMY: Government Support and Economic Relief Packages

1. Susan Doofan Albert-Makyur 2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chigozie Enwere 3. Emenike Joseph Okorie 4. Zara Ibrahim Bukar

Department of Political Science & International Relations and Diplomacy, Nile University of Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT:The dawn of a new decade, the year 2020, has come with unprecedented mixed trends as the world is engulfed with the Corona virus pandemic (COVID-19), which has thrown nations into great turmoil. Since the Nigerian political economy is more than 70% monolithic and highly dependent on crude oil, it was already vulnerable and ill-prepared for any crisis. The rapid and drastic decline in crude oil prices in the global market made the Nigerian economy even more vulnerable. COVID-19 pandemic’s sudden emergence and impact on the already weakened Nigerian economy is already having some devastating effects on the nation to extents and dimensions still unfolding. This study examines critically the impact of COVID-19 on the political economy of Nigeria. It identifies the various government support and economic relief packages initiated to steer recovery and ameliorate the resultant difficulties for the citizens, and the effectiveness of the government interventions. The study concludes that Nigeria should collaborate with the private sector stakeholders to garner resources and procure quality medical, commodity relief packages and create fiscal policy measures that can support rapid deployment of responders and provide socio-economic succor for the most vulnerable population, as it gets the political-economy wheels back, and running after the pandemic. The study underscores the urgency for the government’s implementation of appropriate economic stimuli to free the nation’s economy from overdependence on oil

Keyword: Corona virus (COVID-19), Pandemic, Political Economy, Nigeria

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22. National Border Closure as Paradigm Shift in Sustainable Foreign Policy Development in Nigeria

Emenike Joseph Okorie and Dr. Chigozie Enwere

Nile University of Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria

ABSTRACT:As the government of Nigeria ordered the closure of its national land borders in August 2019 to curtail illegal cross-border import and export of goods and smuggling of arms, many of the neighboring countries whose economies depend heavily on trade with Nigeria have criticized this action due to the hardship it has brought on trans-border commercial activities. This paper examines the impact of border closure on regional trade between Nigeria and its neighbors. It also examines the potential impact of the border closure on Nigeria’s relations with other African nations and overall implications on Nigeria’s foreign policy. Coming from the Economic Nationalism theoretical perspective, the paper understands the Nigerian government action as a reflection of the government's drive to take total control of the nation’s resources and maximize these for the overall benefit of the citizens. The government policy places the interest of Nigeria first, above the competing interests of other African nations. Although the Nigerian border closure has the potential of adversely impacting regional trade arrangements, including the recent African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), the paper contends that the Nigerian government action upholds the country’s concentric circle foreign policy idea which advocates prioritization of the interest and welfare of citizens over the nation’s interests in West Africa, Africa, and the wider world.

Keyword: West Africa, National border, national interest, regional trade, foreign policy.

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23. The incertitude surrounding the use of HIV preventive services among male boda boda operators in Homa Bay County, Kenya.

1. Winnie Akinyi Omolo and 2. Wilson A.P Otengah (Ph.D)

Department of social sciences and Humanities Rongo University, Kenya

ABSTRACT:Bodaboda operators in the transport sector are a bridge population that gets in contact with both the general population and the key population. This places them at a greater risk of HIV and AIDs acquisition. Due to their high mobility, it makes it difficult to acquire and use HIV prevention measures appropriately. However, this population’s service utilization is not known. The study used the theory of reasoned action due to the fact that it sees a person’s behavior as an intention which is a function of one’s attitude towards the behavior and their subjective norm. The study targeted male bodaboda operators who were aged between 20-40 years. The sample size for the study was 122. Findings from the thematic analysis showed medical pluralism among the operators, low condom use at last sexual intercourse and stigma and discrimination when acquiring and using HIV preventive services. Myths and misconceptions regarding HIV preventive service utilization were ranked the highest (21.3%) while provider attitude was ranked the lowest (2.78%) challenges/barriers towards acquiring and using these services. The study recommends to the CACC through NACC to formulate user-friendly information to reach the operators who in many cases have limited time to attend training on correct use and benefits of these preventive measures.

Keyword:Incertitude Surrounding use HIV Preventive Servicers

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ALADEJANA, Saheed Aliu1 OLUWALANA,Feyisayo Abosede2 ALABI,John Adejare3 BOLAJI, Saudat Adewumi4

1,2Postgraduate students, Department of Economics, Federal University Oye Ekiti, Ekiti State. Nigeria, 3Marketing Department, Faculty of Communication & Management Studies, The Ibarapa Polytechnic, Eruwa, Oyo State. 4Accountancy Department, Faculty of Communication & Management Studies, The Ibarapa Polytechnic, Eruwa, Oyo State.

ABSTRACT:International remittances represent the second most important source of external funding for developing countries (Nigeria Inclusive) after foreign direct investment (FDI), which have helped to improve the standard of living of millions of people by providing them with essential resources such as food, housing, health, and education. From the literature which was both on Nigeria and outside Nigeria, a consensus is yet to be reached as per nexus between remittance and poverty. This paper examined the effect of international remittances on poverty reduction in Nigeria, using secondary sources of data for the period of 1986 to 2018 in Nigeria. The data were sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin and the World Bank’s World Development Indicators (WDI). The study employed the Auto-Regressive Distribution Lagged (ARDL). Therefore, the findings confirmed short-run relationships existed between the variables in the model, whereas long-run relationships also existed between exchange rate, remittances, real gross domestic product and poverty. Furthermore, remittances have a strong and statistically impact on poverty reduction, due to the fact that it directly increases the income of the poor people, smooth household consumption, and ease capital constraint. The same finding established positive and significant relationship between the exchange rate and poverty in the model during the study period. However, gross domestic product showed an inverse relationship on poverty in Nigeria. It was, therefore, suggested that the government should formulate the policies that would enhance the number of remittances by reducing the exchange rate and transaction cost of transferring the remittances through formal channels.

Keyword:Remittances, poverty, trade openness, Health, and Social Services

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Inna Frank Ogbise, Oki, Maureen, Ebong, Itoro Bassey

Department of Political Science and Public Administration University of Uyo,Uyo,AkwaIbom State, Department of History and International Studies University of Africa, Toru OruaBayelsa State., Department of Political Science and Public Administration University of Uyo,Uyo,AkwaIbom State

ABSTRACT:Terrorism has directly impacted on human rights, with shocking consequences for the enjoyment of the right to life, liberty, and physical integrity of victims. Human rights are among the essentials of democracy and good governance. They aid human beings to live a fulfilled life. And where it is denied, life becomes meaningless and hopeless. It was on this note that Nigeria’s state enshrined such right in its constitution to safeguard her citizens. But for some time now, the violations of these rights by the terrorists and securitypersonels have become unpalatable. In Nigeria the activities of Boko Haram sect have devastated the North East with wanton destruction of lives and properties including Public and private institutions. In a bid to address these, Nigerian military had deployed several strategies including the declaration of a state of emergency, counter terrorism operation, Operation Lafia Ado among others. However, the manner of Nigeria’s counter-terrorism operations has raised a lot of questions that border around international human and humanitarian laws. Some non-state actors have accused Nigeria Arm Forces of violation Human rights in the cause of countering terrorism an accusation that the military has denied and described as untrue. The extremely used of force by the Nigerian military to combat Boko Haram results in collateral damages of the civilian population among other soft targets. The paper adopted realist theory as a heoretical framework. Data were collected with the aid of secondary sources such as text book,Journal,News paperetc.The major finding of the paper revealed among others that (i) current trends of human rights abuses about terrorism go beyond the violation of right by terrorist organizations alone; the counterterrorism strategies by states also constitute human right violations in the North East region of Nigeria (ii) that the Nigerian military indulges in extrajudicial killings and unlawful detention of suspected Boko Haram members which in turned led to human rights violation in Nigeria’s North Eastern zone. Based on the findings, the study recommended among others that Nigerian Army should ensure that while confronting the terrorist group in protecting the lives and properties of her citizens, their counter-terrorism strategies must not also violate human rights.

Keyword: Boko Haram, Human Rights, International Laws, and National Security.

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26. The Roles of Monetary policy on Balance of Payment in Nigeria

Oluyemi Benjamin and Olufemi, O.B

Department of Economics Afe Babalola University Ado- Ekiti and Department of Economics College of Education Ikere-Ekiti

ABSTRACT:In spite of the plethora of monetary policy measures adopted and applied over the years, the Nigerian economy still continues to face the problem of balance of payment disequilibrium. Therefore, this research work examined the roles of Monetary Policy on Balance of Payment in Nigeria. This study used quarterly data spanning from 1981 to 2017 and the data were sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletins and National Bureau of Statistics. Relevant literature was reviewed in the study ranging from conceptual issues, theoretical literature to the empirical studies of past researchers. Co-integration analysis and Error Correction model were employed to capture the stated objectives. The result of the study revealed that the variables are stationary at levels and at the first difference that necessitated the use of ARDL co-integration analysis. The ARDL bound test showed that there is no long-run relationship between monetary policy and the balance of payment. The result of the short-run ARDL Error Correction Model, therefore, revealed that MPR, INT, and M2 exhibit insignificant negative relationship with the balance of payment while there is an insignificant positive relationship between exchange rate, openness, and balance of payment. The study as well as rules out the presence of autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity. Therefore, the study concludes that monetary policy is ineffective in promoting the balance of payment in Nigeria. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) should intensify the process of regular monitoring of the operation of deposit money banks to ensure compliance with prudent guidelines and promote transparency in the banking operations. More so, for monetary policy to be effective in ensuring stability in the balance of payments position of the economy, it should be complemented with effective fiscal policy

Keyword:Monetary policy rate, Money Supply, Balance of Payment and ARDL Co integration

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27. Impact of Islamic Bank Services on Customers’ Satisfaction in Nigeria: A Case of Ja’iz Bank Plc. Sokoto Branch

A.A.Bello PhD, Prof hussainatuAbdullahi (Mrs), Shehu Musa Amfani, Eziamaka, E. Obi (Mrs)

Department of Economics,Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria; Department of Economics,Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria; Department of Economics School of Preliminary and Remedial Studies Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria; Department of Business Administration Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

ABSTRACT:The study assesses the impact of Islamic bank services on customers’ satisfaction with special reference to Ja’iz Bank Plc. Sokoto branch as a case study. The study employed cross-sectional data which was generated through structured questionnaires. Using a simple random sampling technique, a sample size of 400 was obtained as study population. The study also applied ordered LOGIT in the analysis. The results of the study revealed a significant positive relationship between bank services and customers’ satisfaction. The study concluded that customers are satisfied with the quality of services rendered by Ja’iz bank in the Sokoto branch. The study finally recommends that Ja’iz bank should keep on providing more qualitative services to retain and attract more customers.

Keyword: Services, customers, satisfaction, Islamic banking, Ja’iz bank, Sokoto, Nigeria.

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28. De niñas a madres en Aguascalientes

Irma Carrillo Flores

Departamento de Educación, Centro de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, Ags. México.

ABSTRACT:Documento que presenta los resultados de una investigación de tipo mixto, realizado en el Estado de Aguascalientes, México con el propósito de contribuir a la comprensión sobre el tema del embarazo adolescente. El acercamiento cuantitativo se realizó con un cuestionario a 177 adolescentes que explora: haberse embarazado en la adolescencia, estado conyugal, si estaba o no estudiando, el padre del bebé, comunicación con la madre, alcoholismo y violencia en la familia, estrato socioeconómico. El acercamiento cualitativo, se obtuvo de 10 entrevistas a adolescentes que pasaron por la experiencia de un embarazo, para recuperar las condiciones al momento de embarazarse, como vivieron el parto y cómo viven la experiencia de ser madres entre 15 y 18 años de edad.

Keyword: Aguascalientes, embarazo adolescente, mujeres, embarazo, adolescentes.

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DwiJoko Siswanto1; Shine Pintor S Patiro2; Tegor3

1STIE Nobel; 2Indonesia Open University; University of Karimun

ABSTRACT:This study aimed to uncover the relationship between attitudes towards reading activities with reading interest among the Indonesian Army as an effort to improve literacy skills. Data collection was carried out by a survey with a purposive sampling technique involving 60 Indonesian Army at the Indonesian Army Corps of Engineers at the Indonesian Army Headquarters (Indonesian: Pusat Zeni TNI Angkatan Darat Markas Besar Angkatan Darat/Pusziad Mabesad). The method of data analysis was done using linear regression. The results showed that the attitude towards reading had a positive and significan t influence on reading interest. Attitudes towards reading activities were able to understand, explain, and predict the reading interest among the Indonesian Army. Limitations of this study were also described in this article.

Keyword: linear regression, survey, purposive sampling, attitude, reading interest.

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