Call for Academic Papers\ Call for Research Papers: - 2024 volume 6 issue 5 - September - October:- International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research [IJMSSSR]


International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research (IJMSSSR) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access bi-monthly journal that publishes empirical, conceptual and review papers of exceptional quality that contribute to enrich business administration thinking .The objective of the Journal is to disseminate knowledge, which ensures good practice of professional management and its focal point is on research and reflections relevant to academicians and practicing managers/Administrators for sustainable business and social changes.

IJMSSSR guides it to map new frontiers in emerging and developing areas in research, industry, and governance as well as to link with centers of excellence worldwide to stimulate young minds for creating knowledge-based community.

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Gloria Elisante Mrema 1 and Noah Mtana 2


ABSTRACT: A study was conducted to examine the factors that impact the teaching of English to standard III, V, and VI pupils in public primary schools. The study aimed to identify enhancing elements and propose practical measures for improvement. Using a qualitative case study research design, data were collected through purposive sampling from eleven public primary schools in three wards that speak different mother tongues, namely Kicheba, Magoroto, and Kigombe. English language teachers and pupils were selected from the targeted group through purposive sampling. The research methods included teacher interviews, pupil focus group discussions, and classroom observations for standard VI. The study identified key enhancing factors such as qualified English teachers, effective teaching methods, and the availability of valuable materials and resources. It also pinpointed inhibiting factors like overcrowded classrooms, time constraints, and inadequate teacher professional development programs. However, the study did not stop at identifying these challenges. It recommended practical and effective measures such as curriculum alignment, utilization of innovative teaching strategies, and substantial investment in teacher development. These measures, being practical and feasible, offer hope for a brighter future in English education, instilling a sense of optimism in the audience about the potential for positive change. The study's findings underscore the critical need for targeted policy interventions to enhance English language instruction in public primary schools. The study concluded that improving teacher qualifications, enhancing resource allocation, and fostering supportive teaching environments are pivotal for advancing English education. These findings, with their potential to significantly impact educational strategies, provide invaluable insights for educators and policymakers, inspiring them with the potential to refine and enhance English teaching outcomes. This knowledge empowers and equips the audience to make informed decisions and take effective actions in their respective roles, thereby enhancing their sense of inspiration and motivation to drive positive change.

Keyword: Qualified teachers - Effective methods - helpful Resources

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2. Perception and Execution of Corporate Social Responsibility in Thimphu's Private Sectors - A Look into Tour Operating Businesses

Deki Wangmo 1 and Dorji Wangdi 2


ABSTRACT: Much of an anticipated knowledge on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Bhutan points to individualist assertion of humanitarian actions, thereby obscuring CSR's actual definition. Significant discourses on CSR conceptualization in Bhutan are currently relatively contextual on the Gross National Happiness (GNH) paradigm of holistic-development. This paper tries to rationalize the normative perception of sectoral-CSR in Private Tour Operators by juxtaposing standard CSR dimensions explained by theories such as Carroll's CSR pyramid, GNH model for business, etc. The study specifically investigates the Tour Operators in Thimphu on their awareness and understanding of CSR, the kinds/nature of CSR actions practiced for sustainable tourism, and explores what aspects are significantly important to engage in CSR. The survey was deployed online via mail to (n=154) tour operators to explore and describe their views and practices related to CSR. The findings seek to find a middle-path to deconstruct the technical deliberation of business CSR for these privately-owned companies.

Keyword: Corporate social responsibility, Tour Operators, Tourism, Sustainable business, GNH, business ethics

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Budiman Fatli 1, Waluyo 2


ABSTRACT: This research aims to determine the effect of the self-assessment system and tax sanctions on MSME taxpayer compliance with tax socialization as a moderating variable. The population used in this research is Tanah Abang market MSMEs. This research used a quantitative approach by distributing questionnaires to traders at the Tanah Abang market as many as 190 respondents. The analysis used in this research is statistical testing in the form of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using smart PLS 3.0 software. The results of this research show that the self-assessment system has a positive effect on taxpayer compliance, tax sanctions have an effect on taxpayer compliance, tax socialization positively moderates the influence of the self-assessment system on taxpayer compliance, tax socialization positively moderates and strengthens the effect of tax sanctions on mandatory compliance tax.

Keyword: Self Assessment System, Tax Sanctions, Taxpayer Compliance, Tax Socialization

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4. Adolescent Mental Health Post-COVID-19: A Scoping Review of Depression Causes and Interventions in China

Liu Gang 1, Samsiah Binti Mohd Jais 2


ABSTRACT: The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted adolescent mental health worldwide, with Chinese adolescent survivors showing a marked increase in depression. This study examines the incidence of depression among adolescent COVID-19 survivors in China, identifying key factors contributing to this rise. The pandemic's social isolation, academic pressures from remote learning, health-related anxiety, and stigmatization have significantly exacerbated depressive symptoms in this population. Research indicates that nearly 30% of adolescent COVID-19 survivors in China exhibit symptoms of depression, a notable increase from pre-pandemic levels. This underscores the urgent need for targeted mental health interventions, including routine mental health screenings, psychological support services, peer support programs, public awareness campaigns, and increased involvement of parents and educators. Addressing these challenges is crucial for mitigating the long-term psychological effects of the pandemic on Chinese adolescents, promoting their overall well-being, and preventing a potential mental health crisis. This study highlights the importance of a comprehensive approach to mental health in the post-pandemic era, with a focus on the unique needs of adolescent COVID-19 survivors.

Keyword: Adolescent mental health, COVID-19 survivors, Depression, China, Pandemic impact

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5. The relationship between innovation capabilities and performance of Zimbabwean listed manufacturing firms.

Simon Muzviyo & Dr. Abubaker Qutieshat


ABSTRACT: This study examined the effects of innovation capabilities, namely work climate and wellbeing, ideation and organising structures, participatory leadership culture, and know-how development on firm performance. The study used survey data from 45 participants randomly chosen from 7 samples of Zimbabwean listed firms manufacturing firms. The results show that four aspects of innovation capability, namely work climate and wellbeing, ideation and organising structures, participatory leadership culture, and know-how development, have a positive and statistically significant effect on overall performance of listed manufacturing firms’ performance. The study’s contribution is highlighting the importance of policymakers creating collaborative platforms for manufacturing firms to exchange best practices, knowledge, and accelerate innovation adoption, while also providing targeted training, funding, and resources

Keyword: Innovation dimension, innovation capabilities, firm performance, dynamic capabilities, Innovation management

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5. The relationship between innovation capabilities and performance of Zimbabwean listed manufacturing firms.

Simon Muzviyo & Dr. Abubaker Qutieshat


ABSTRACT: This study examined the effects of innovation capabilities, namely work climate and wellbeing, ideation and organising structures, participatory leadership culture, and know-how development on firm performance. The study used survey data from 45 participants randomly chosen from 7 samples of Zimbabwean listed firms manufacturing firms. The results show that four aspects of innovation capability, namely work climate and wellbeing, ideation and organising structures, participatory leadership culture, and know-how development, have a positive and statistically significant effect on overall performance of listed manufacturing firms’ performance. The study’s contribution is highlighting the importance of policymakers creating collaborative platforms for manufacturing firms to exchange best practices, knowledge, and accelerate innovation adoption, while also providing targeted training, funding, and resources

Keyword: Innovation dimension, innovation capabilities, firm performance, dynamic capabilities, Innovation management

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6. Defining the Core Competencies of Personnel in Property Valuation at the Treasury Department to Move Towards Working in Public Administration 4.0, Thailand

Jutharat Polsen1 and Grid Rangsungnoen 2


ABSTRACT: This research aims to analyze the key performance factors of current personnel involved in property valuation and how they influence the expected core competencies according to the characteristics of Bureaucracy 4.0. Data was collected through questionnaires from 234 personnel and analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). The research findings conclude that there are three main components of key competencies for property valuation personnel: 1) Performance competencies, which encompass ethical adherence, quality service, work expertise, and teamwork; 2) Process competencies, which include work processes, service recipients, personnel, and digital integration; and 3) Leadership competencies, which focus on collaboration, achievement orientation, leadership, and innovation. The component that personnel prioritize the most is leadership competencies, followed by process competencies, and lastly, performance competencies. This indicates that the personnel at the Treasury Department place the highest importance on leading the organization towards success in the Bureaucracy 4.0 system.

Keyword: Key Performance, Public Administration 4.0, Core Competencies

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7. ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND INDUSTRY SPECIALIST AUDITORS ON AUDIT REPORT LAG (Empirical Study of Consumer Cyclicals Sector Companies Listed on the IDX in 2020 - 2022)

Rifki Mustiko Aji Herdianto 1, Muhyarsyah 2


ABSTRACT: This research was conducted to test Corporate Governance and Industry Specialist Auditors on Audit Report Lag (Empirical Study of Consumer Cyclical Sector Companies Listed on the IDX in 2020 - 2022). This research takes the population of all consumer cyclicals sector companies that have been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2020 - 2022, which currently totals 146 companies. Sampling in this study used a purposive random sampling method to obtain 113 companies. The analysis method in this research uses panel data regression with the help of the eviews 12 application. The results of this research show that specialist industry auditors have a negative influence on audit report lag, while corporate governance has no influence on audit report lag.

Keyword: Audit Report Lag, Corporate Governance, Auditor Specialist Industry

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8. Incremental Value Relevance of Accounting Figures during Principles Based Accounting Regime of Nigerian Banking Sector

Rotimi Adetayo Adedokun 1*, 2 Moruf Oladehinde Oladejo


ABSTRACT: The post-event consequences after the adoption of principles-based accounting standards globally known as International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have left scholars and professionals with an unanswered puzzle as to whether there has been incremental value relevance of accounting figure in the published financial reports of listed firms after the adoption. This study therefore investigated the incremental value relevance of accounting figures of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria after the adoption of IFRS in Nigeria. Archival research design was adopted in the study by sourcing the data for independent variables earnings per share (eps), changes in earnings per share (eps), and book value per share (bvps) from the published financial statements of the 7 judgmentally selected sampled banks out of the population of 17 banks while data for the dependent variable i.e. market share price (msp) were gathered from the official website of asset management at Two different accounting standard regimes, 9 years (2003-2011) pre-IFRS adoption era and 9 years (2012-2020) post-IFRS adoption era were investigated from 2003 to 2020. Edward Ben Olhson econometric model was adopted for both pre-adoption and post-adoption accounting regimes. The data were analyzed through the application of SPSS version 12. The results for both pre-IFRS R-squared is 0.778 while post-IFRS R-squared is 0.232. It implies that the accounting figures contained. in the financial reports of deposit money banks in Nigeria was 78% value relevant before the adoption of IFRS while that of post-IFRS adoption era is 23% value relevant. The study concluded that there was no incremental value relevance of accounting figures after the adoption of IFRS. It was recommended that accounting standards setter and regulatory body should ensure strict adherence to the rules of engagement in the application of the principles-based accounting standards in order to reap the benefits inherent in its usage and achieve the much-desired value relevance of accounting figures in the banking sector in Nigeria.

Keyword: Pre-IFRS Adoption, Post-IFRS Adoption, EPS, MSP, BVPS, Value Relevance

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Firmansyah 1, Devi Valeriani 2, and Hamsani 3


ABSTRACT: The development of information technology has driven transformation in various fields, including the government sector. Bangka Regency, with all its potential, is trying to adopt the Smart City concept to improve the efficiency and quality of life of the community. This study aims to analyze the readiness and strategy for Smart City development in Bangka Regency. The research method is descriptive qualitative and inductive approach, by collecting primary data through interviews and observations, as well as secondary data from related agencies. The analysis was carried out using the Garuda Smart City Maturity Model (GSCMM) to measure the level of Smart City readiness in Bangka Regency. The results of the study found that Bangka Regency is at a structured integrative stage, but is still in the early planning stage. There is great potential in the development of Smart City, supported by digital infrastructure, good governance, and quality human resources. The contribution of the study provides a proposed strategy that can improve the readiness and implementation of Smart City in Bangka Regency, with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life of the community, the operational efficiency of local government, and supporting sustainable development. The novelty of the study lies in its approach which not only focuses on technical aspects, but also considers the social, economic, and environmental impacts of technology implementation.

Keyword: Smart City, Readiness, Garuda Smart City Maturity Model

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10. Trust in the Stream: How Sales Promotions and Followers Drive Impulse Buying in ECommerce Live Streaming

Arizal, N.1, Nofrizal.2, Wita Dwika Listihana.3, Hafiza Fajrin.4


ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to determine how much the number of followers and sales promotions might affect consumers' trust and impulsive purchases while live streaming in e-commerce. Subsequently, it is also intended to understand whether trust can act as a mediator in the relationship between the promotion of sales and the closing of impulsive purchases. The study sample consisted of 200 spontaneous buyers during a live-streaming session. Data collection is done by using an online questionnaire that may be filled out using a Google Form and given to impulse buyers. Purposive sampling is the technique used for data collection. Using Smart PLS, data is analyzed quantitatively. The study's findings indicate that live-streaming promotions for viewers and sellers have a positive and significant impact on viewers' trust and spontaneous purchases. Furthermore, trustworthiness might mitigate the relationship between sales promotions and follow-up in impulsive buying.

Keyword: sales promotion, followers, trust, and impulse buying

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ABSTRACT: This study aimed to determine which domain of pedagogical content knowledge best influences technology proficiency of teacher. This study utilized the non-experimental quantitative research design using descriptive technique involving teachers in Sarangani District, Davao Occidental Division, Philippines. The study was conducted on the second semester of school year 2020-2021. Research instruments on pedagogical content knowledge and technology proficiency of teacher were used as source of data. Using mean, pearson-r, and regression as statistical tools to treat the data, the study showed the following results: the level of pedagogical content knowledge is high, the level of technology proficiency of teacher is high, there is a significant relationship between pedagogical content knowledge and technology proficiency of teacher, the domains of pedagogical content knowledge that best influences technology proficiency of teacher is pedagogical content knowledge.

Keyword: Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Technology Proficiency of Teachers, Educational Management

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ABSTRACT: My drive for this study was to describe the experiences of the public school teachers in practicing soft skills to experience the joys of teaching in their respective workplace in due course. Experiential confirmations unveiled that soft skills are indispensable in the emancipation of the duties and responsibilities of the teachers to their journey in the quest for the joy of teaching. Thus, my phenomenological study exposed the experiences of the ten elementary school teachers in the Division of Davao Occidental using the purposive sampling technique. Teachers bare that, for them, the soft skills that are easy to manifest are: inspiration to learners, attitude towards work, communication with co-teachers, collaboration in school, and self-sacrifice for the service. They also uncovered that the soft skills that were difficult to practice are time management, patience in service, verbal communication, decision-making and conflict resolution. Likewise, they also have made known the reasons why master soft skills which were the impressions that soft skills build rapport and camaraderie. This advent served as a paradigm shift in teaching as it demanded teachers to cope with the constantly changing world to attain job satisfaction. This study, then, should work for the inspiration of teachers to enthusiastically engage in teaching with the manifestation of soft skills – a practice that would advance good relationships among teachers, learners, school officials and other stakeholders whereby transform teaching and learning into a more fun, engaging, and productive encounters.

Keyword: Soft skills, joys of teaching, stakeholders, school teachers

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ABSTRACT: This study aimed to determine which domain of academic motivation best influences learner readiness for online learning. This study utilized the non-experimental quantitative research design using descriptive technique involving teachers in Sarangani District, Davao Occidental Division, Philippines. The study was conducted on the second semester of school year 2021-2022. Research instruments on academic motivation best influences learner readiness for online learning were used as source of data. Using mean, pearson-r, and regression as statistical tools to treat the data, the study showed the following results: the level of academic motivation is high, the level of learner readiness for online learning is high, there is a significance on the relationship between relationship between academic motivation and learner readiness for online learning, the domains of academic motivation best influences learner readiness for online learning is Task.

Keyword: Academic Motivation, Learner Readiness For Online Learning, Educational Management

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ABSTRACT: This study aimed to determine the significance of the relationship between distance education learning environment and strategies for regulation of academic cognition of students. This study utilized the nonexperimental quantitative research design using descriptive technique involving teachers in Sarangani District, Davao Occidental Division, Philippines. The study was conducted on the second semester of school year 2020- 2021. Research instruments on distance education learning environment and strategies for regulation of academic cognition of students were used as source of data. Using mean and pearson-r as statistical tool to treat the data, the study showed the following results: level of distance education learning environment is high, the level of strategies for regulation of academic cognition of students is moderate, there is a significant relationship between distance education learning environment and strategies for regulation of academic cognition of students.

Keyword: Distance Education Learning Environment, Strategies for Regulation of Academic Cognition of Students, Educational Management

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ABSTRACT: This study aimed to determine which domain of knowledge work productivity best influences team effectiveness of teachers. This study utilized the non-experimental quantitative research design using descriptive technique involving teachers in one District of Davao Occidental Division, Philippines. The study was conducted on the second semester of school year 2021-2021. Research instruments on knowledge work productivity and team effectiveness of teachers were used as source of data. Using mean, pearson-r, and regression as statistical tools to treat the data, the study showed the following results: the level knowledge work productivity is high, level of team effectiveness of teachers is high, there is a significance on the relationship between knowledge work productivity and team effectiveness of teachers, domains of knowledge work productivity that best influence team effectiveness of teachers is Organizational Input.

Keyword: Knowledge Work Productivity, Team Effectiveness of Teachers, Educational Management

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ABSTRACT: This study aimed to determine which domain of learning agility best influence self-reflection of students. This study utilized the non-experimental quantitative research design using descriptive technique involving teachers in one District of Davao Occidental Division, Philippines. The study was conducted on the second semester of school year 2021-2022. Research instruments on learning agility and self-reflection of students were used as source of data. Using mean, pearson-r, and regression as statistical tools to treat the data, the study showed the following results: the level of learning agility is high, the level of self-reflection of students is high, there is significance on the relationship between learning agility and self-reflection of students, and the domain of learning agility best influences self-reflection of students is Change Agility.

Keyword: Learning Agility, Self-Reflection of Students, Educational Management, Educational Management

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ABSTRACT: This study aimed to determine which domains of perceived social presence best influences student learning and satisfaction in online learning environment. This study utilized the non-experimental quantitative research design using descriptive technique involving teachers in Sarangani District, Davao Occidental Division, Philippines. The study was conducted on the second semester of school year 2020-2021. Research instruments on perceived social presence and student learning and satisfaction in online learning environment were used as sources of data. Using mean, pearson-r, and regression as statistical tools to treat the data, the study showed the following results: level of level of perceived social presence is high, the level of student learning and satisfaction in online learning environment is high, there is a significant relationship between perceived social presence and student learning and satisfaction in online learning environment, and social presence scale is the domain of perceived social presence best influences student learning and satisfaction in online learning environment.

Keyword: Perceived Social Presence, Student Learning and Satisfaction In Online Learning Environment, Educational Management

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ABSTRACT: This study aimed to determine which domain of leadership authenticity best influences trust among the school heads. This study utilized the non-experimental quantitative research design using descriptive technique involving teachers in Sarangani District, Davao Occidental Division, Philippines. The study was conducted on the second semester of school year 2020-2021. Research instruments on teacher leadership authenticity and trust were used as sources of data. Using mean, pearson-r, and regression as statistical tool to treat the data, the study showed the following results: level of leadership authenticity of school head is high, level of trust among the school heads is very high, there is a relationship between leadership authenticity and trust among the school heads, and internalized moral perspective as domain of leadership authenticity best influences trust among the school heads.

Keyword: Leadership Authenticity, Trust, Educational Management

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19. Importance and Practices of Digitalization and Social Media usage in Hospitality Industry

*Sergey Zuikin 1 & **Professor Akin Aksu 2


ABSTRACT: According to the latest WTTC (2022:2) report, tourism and traveling provide one out of four of total new workplaces created throughout the globe, which stands for 10.3% of overall jobs (333 million), and 10.3% of global GDP (US$9.6 trillion) (WTTC, 2022:2). In many countries, tourism is supposed to be one of the most attractive activities and a lot of people around the planet fulfil regularly their travel experiences. The role of digitalization is becoming more important and is spreading wider. Interestingly, advanced information technologies provide assistance for small businesses to represent themselves on the market in an electronic form (Yaldaie, 2019:2). Using digital tools and channels, both industry and customers benefit from its advantages. Hospitality brands are using more and more diverse digital instruments to support and develop their brand awareness, brand equity and, furthermore, brand loyalty. Hospitality enterprises demonstrated a high level of incorporation into social media, adopting it to the needs of a brand and demands of customers. Starting with establishing social media accounts players in the tourism market now exploit social media marketing tools, create and maintain online communities, encourage visitors to co-create a strong brand awareness by posting, sharing and spreading information about the brand. To our mind, the contribution and originality of the present research will lie in the focus on the digitalization phenomenon as a whole, while summarizing its components and elements, wide usage of systematic approach for analyzing digitalization, consolidating the knowledge previously presented in the academia.

Keyword: Digitalization, social media, hospitality industry

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20. Process marketing strategy as a predictor of user satisfaction of university library services in selected private university libraries in central Uganda

Ssebbale Florence Lubega 1*, Mwirumubi Richard 1, Nsereko Norman 1


ABSTRACT: Marketing plays a vital role in enhancing awareness and ensuring the optimal utilization of libraries. The lack of effective marketing strategies capable of improving user satisfaction necessitated this study, which aimed to determine the predictive power of process marketing efficacy in fostering user engagement and emphasizing the advantages of libraries, thereby increasing awareness and attracting new users. A mixed methods sequential explanatory design was employed, collecting data from 234 undergraduate students across three selected university libraries in central Uganda. Qualitative research was conducted through ten in-depth semi-structured interviews with six librarians. Descriptive analysis, along with correlation and regression analyses, were utilized to assess the effectiveness of process marketing on student satisfaction. The findings indicated a general agreement among respondents regarding the efficacy of the library's resource distribution strategies with overall mean score of 3.450 (SD = 0.646). The Pearson correlation analysis indicated a positive and significant relationship between the process marketing strategy and user satisfaction [r (155) = 0.5510, p<0.05]. The regression analysis revealed that the process marketing strategy accounted for an Adjusted R² of .304 in relation to user satisfaction. A strong correlation exists between the process marketing strategy and user satisfaction. This study underscores the potential of the process marketing strategy, which, when effectively implemented, can serve as a powerful tool to enhance library operations and underscore the importance of libraries compared to other information providers.

Keyword: Marketing, marketing library services, process marketing strategy, and user satisfaction.

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21. Strategic identification commitment: A study of local public employees in the Oita Prefecture, Japan

Ali Haidar, Tatsuya Hirai, and Malcolm Cooper


ABSTRACT: Local public employees (LPEs) face a clash in their workplace commitments. The Law requires them to be committed to the community, but they are often positioned in hierarchical relationships within councils that require them first and foremost to show loyalty to elected councilors. In actual practice then to whom are they committed; the community or the councilors, and what is the nature of that commitment? To find an answer to these questions, we carried out a multi-focused study on the environment and attitudes of LPEs and the multiple bases of managerial commitment with which they must deal. A survey of senior LPEs in the municipalities of the Oita prefecture, Japan found that most LPEs demonstrate identification commitment to the community above others.

Keyword: Commitment, Local government, Japan, Identification, Compelled spontaneity

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22. The Effect of the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Financial Performance and its Impact on Corporate Sustainability

Muhamad Hadnan 1, Ika Sari 2, Nanda Hudaibyah 3 and Eria Nabila 4


ABSTRACT: This research begins with a phenomenon that occurs in Indonesia, according to OJK in CNN "GCG Practices of Indonesian Companies are Still Lagging", 2017. There are only two public companies (issuers) from Indonesia that are included in the list of 50 Best Issuers in Good Corporate Governance Practices (GCG) in the ASEAN Corporate Governance Awards. Whereas the implementation of good GCG is the main aspect to build solid company fundamentals and also the company's financial performance will not be sustainable if it is not based on good governance practices. Therefore, this study aims to examine the effect of the implementation of good corporate governance mechanisms, namely institutional ownership, managerial ownership, independent commissioners, audit committees, and auditor quality on financial performance and its impact on corporate sustainability. The population in this study are infrastructure companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2019-2022. The data used in this study are secondary data with sampling techniques using purposive sampling, obtained 27 samples with 65 observations that meet the sample criteria. The analysis in this study uses a panel data regression model with the help of the EViews10 program. The results showed that institutional ownership has a significant effect on financial performance while managerial ownership, independent commissioners, audit committee and auditor quality have no significant effect on financial performance. The results of this study also show that institutional ownership, managerial ownership, and independent commissioners have a significant effect on corporate sustainability, while the audit committee, auditor quality, and financial performance have no significant effect on corporate sustainability. Financial performance is also proven not to be an intervening variable between institutional ownership, managerial ownership, independent commissioners, audit committees, and auditor quality to corporate sustainability.

Keyword: Institutional Ownership, Managerial Ownership, Independent Commissioner, Audit Committee, Auditor Quality, Financial Performance, and Corporate Sustainability.

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23. Trade Liberalization and Sustainable Economic Growth in Nigeria

Ifarajimi, Gilbert Deinde, PhD and Ajaegbu, Nwamaka Grace


ABSTRACT: This study examined how trade liberalization affected Nigeria's long-term economic development from 2000 and 2021. Trade liberalization is the elimination or decrease of limitations or barriers to the free flow of products between nations, whereas sustainable development is development that fulfills today's demands without jeopardizing future generations' capacity to satisfy their own. Gross fixed capital creation, trade liberalization, labor force participation, inflation, and interest rates are essential explanatory factors, whereas economic growth, measured by gross domestic product, is the dependent variable utilized for model specification. The study's data came from the Central Bank of Nigeria's Statistical Bulletin, 2021, as well as the World Development Indicator. Unit Root underwent an augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test. The Johansen co-integration test was used to determine the existence of co-integration in the research. The linear regression findings reveal that trade liberalization and gross fixed capital have a positive and substantial effect on economic growth. Inflation and interest rates were shown to have a negative influence on economic growth, whereas labor force participation rate was found to have a positive impact on economic growth. However, a positive link was established between trade liberalization and economic growth. This report suggests that the government implement suitable policies to diversify the productive base of the economy in order to encourage net exports, as well as construct an efficient service infrastructure to stimulate private domestic and international investment. Furthermore, the government should give sufficient incentives to manufacturers of export items, stimulate consumption of locally produced commodities, and guarantee adequate standard controls to ensure that goods produced for export meet international standards.

Keyword: Co-integration, economic growth, inflation, interest rate, labour force participation, protectionism, sustainability.

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Fatimah Zulkafaly & Siti Sarah Falwani Ismail


ABSTRACT: Stress brings abundant negative consequences to student success in life and academic field. The aim of this study is to examine depression, anxiety and stress level among student in Pahang, Malaysia. Online survey was used to collect data from 135 college students. A demographic sheet and DASS-21 (Depression, Anxiety Stress Scale) were used to measure the level of depression, anxiety and stress. The means of Depression, Anxiety and stress are M=6.21, M=4.86 and M=5.20 respectively. The frequency of depression, anxiety and stress among university students was found 28%, 32% and 52% respectively. The findings of the study showed the prevalence of Depression within the range of normal (62.50%), mild (17.65%), moderate (13.24%), severe (2.94%) and extremely severe (3.67%). The prevalence of anxiety was found to be in the range of normal (46.32%), mild (22.06%), moderate (16.91%), severe (8.09%) and extremely severe (6.62%). Stress was normal (70.59%), mild (12.50%), moderate (13.24%), severe (2.94%) and extremely severe (0.74%). It is concluded that symptoms of anxiety are more prevalent with moderate to extremely severe range than stress and depression in the current sample. The majority of students in the study were categorized as normal (70.59%) in terms of stress and (62.50%) in terms of depression. These findings suggest urgent need of some preventive measures and interventions to improve the mental health of students.

Keyword: Anxiety, DASS-21, Depression, Stress, Students

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25. Factors Influencing the Occurrence of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) among Pico Finance Borrowers in Sisaket Province, Thailand

Atitaya Ouyporn 1, and Nattanoppachoke Chaiharn 2


ABSTRACT: This research investigates the factors contributing to the occurrence of non-performing loans (NPLs) among Pico Finance borrowers in Sisaket Province, Thailand. The study analyzes data from the company's database, including variables such as gender, age, occupation, salary, expenses, collateral, and debtor classification. Using descriptive statistics and logistic regression analysis, the findings reveal that the majority of the sample population were female, aged between 51-60 years. Most were farmers, with an income ranging from 5,001-10,000 THB, and monthly expenses in the same range. Additionally, most borrowers had collateral. Monthly income, expenses, and collateral are the key significant factors contributing to NPLs. These factors hinder borrowers from effectively generating income, thereby increasing the likelihood of loan default.

Keyword: Pico Finance, Non-performing loans (NPLs), Debtor

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